I don’t often agree with Tim Hudak,
In fact I cannot recall ever having done so before, but on this one
he is correct. The only real surprise is that this is not a defined
part of their job already, Interaction with the child that they are
teaching parents should, indeed must, be a part of their job
description as must reporting the progress of said student.
"Teaching is a profession. That's how teachers in the
profession see their job and it should be that way in the definition
in the Education Act. Let's actually have the definition of teacher
reflect what teachers have always done, and will always want to do."
Hudak said.And This......
Tory education critic MPP Lisa MacLeod said Ontario must prevent union leaders from intimidating teachers with the threat of fines.
“It’s none of their business how our teaching professionals use their volunteer time. We will prohibit these bullying tactics in law,” she said in a statement.